Thursday, February 26, 2009

I am.

I am increasingly grateful for the things my parents do for me. I am extremely happy that I have successfully endured this week to my satisfaction. I am also gradually discovering new things about myself I never knew, I love this feeling...

Monday, February 16, 2009

Play then Study

I've been so bogged down with so much schoolwork. I'm totally fucking myself over for this massive wave of exams coming my way. Fuck... This weekend is exactly what I needed before I get my act together and study my ass of for the next two weeks. Pictures from this weekend:

1.Photobucket2.PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket you go anthony, my cocoa-powder-chocolate facial haha XD
2. jubert pretending to be camera shy... yet he ends up posing for the next 100 photos.

3. me confessing my love for jenny, haha.
4&5. jubert being nerdy.

HELLA photos of me and jenny, why do we always do this?!
6. HAHA. good job jenny.
7. me being smooshed and having no eyes XD haha

8. my valentines :]

9. i want an xbox now, just for call of duty T__T

10&11. X__X shut up.



12. minh practices beer pong 24/7.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Shit Gets Done

I am always fulfilled when my days are productive. I have a habit of creating a list of shit to do the next day & I usually almost always never get EVERYTHING done; I guess I like overplanning? I wish there was more time in the day.

So here's the thing, I have this horrible (the word "horrible" is not even close to expressing how disgusted I am of her) suite mate that I feel very strongly about (considering the things she has done in the past) and including clogging the toilet with her shit... TWICE. Once before winter break (that she did not clean up) and another time when she came back, which btw she did not fucking clean up. We all gave her a week to unclog that fucking nasty ass toilet that was clogged with HER SHIT and pee as it resided within the toilet bowl. Just chillin' in there for a whole fucking week. I couldn't stand it anymore! It was extremely inconvenient to constantly keep walking across the hall whenever I needed to use the bathroom. Moreover the suite mates across the hall were getting a little irritated that their toilet was getting all dirty. Yes, so I fucking had to unclog her dirty ass shit because she does not have the understanding and common sense to clean up her own mess like a little bitch. Yeah, I am being a bitch, but inconsiderate egotistical people like her do not deserve the slightest act of kindness, atleast not from me.



1. I spent so much money on books, even though my parents paid for the majority of them; I feel broke for them.
2. My haven.


3. Our window allows us to spy on folks entering the building XD
4. I love this stuff.
5. My lovely roommate, I wouldn't know how to survive this place without her.

Yeah I had to.... Shut up.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Jessica's 21st


Enjoy. Happy Birthday Jessica.