Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A few words

I think this is the fourth time I've clicked on "new post" since my last blog post and have actually successfully submitted a new post. I've been really hesitant to post here lately because I don't know what I can say, or maybe it's better put: how explicit I can really express myself on here.

Over the past weekend I was finally able to chill with Bilal. I miss that guy so much and I don't think I've really gotten a chance to really catch up with him since college has started. Some parts of me really miss how high school used to be. Of course, all the expendable time I was able to use to do whatever the fuck I wanted, but also the people.

After this semester is over I'm determined to go do something extraordinarily fun within the three (or so) weeks I have before I begin summer classes at Chabot. Shitty, but I gotta do what I gotta do. I wanna go to Washington to go visit Audris. I wanna go to Canada. I wanna go camping with friends. I'm so anxious for this semester to end, it's coming... but so slowly. In the meantime though I enjoy being in San Jose.

I'm over all of the shit that you attack me with, you're fucking delusional and crazy. I don't do anything to provoke any of this. So, go on with your little passive aggressiveness, take away your dignity and the respect for yourself. Continue to make up shit, but know the people who matter the most to me do not care or ever did. In fact they find it an annoyance that you continually do this to me, I, especially, resent what you have done.

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