Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year 2009

This is going to sound a bit silly, but I feel the need to start a new blog to revive myself. To begin, I had a wonderful 2008. I've learned, loved and experienced so much this year. Though, towards the end of the year it got a little rough. The days where it felt like a difficult task having to get up and live (I'm over it.). All of that is behind me now, 2009 gives me an opportunity to focus on myself. Last year my new years resolution for 2008 was to be happy, which was met for the majority of the year. This upcoming year I have five new year resolutions:
1. be happy. (always.)
2. continue to do well in school
3. be more decisive (i hate being so indecisive all the time, i want an opinion.)
4. take a photo every other day. (i'd say everyday but i know once school starts i'll be a bit busy)
5. enjoy the year.

This is how I began the new year:

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